1. tiotevise1976@ter54-gevision.store : elissaholub382 :
  2. pracbarcsualbi1985@ter54-gevision.store : jerrelltritt70 :
  3. info@www.kalomerkarukaj.com : PENCRAFT :
  4. sadikurrahmanrumen55@gmail.com : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০১:০৮ অপরাহ্ন

Poem By: mohamed rahal (Algeria)

প্রতিবেদকের নাম:
  • প্রকাশিত: বৃহস্পতিবার, ৬ জুন, ২০২৪
  • ১২৫ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Mohamed rahal

 my heart

Don’t choose anyone else in my heart

Dilar collapsed

he is getting more tired


I wrote a poem about you

Decision Secrets

soul loves

Spanish black eyeliner

Sahad Azhar

Code of Politeness


I said you can’t forget this day

He escaped, flew away


give me ten loves

your love is going on

for no reason

Quani Sahad Khadab Ashfar

Fireproof board

fire kills me

cute aiming weapon

Kab Dilar

Jabu’s hair

I saw ten pieces of news about you

Dahl jacket

dogs like

Admiration for Azwa’s strength and attention

Glory be to the Lord

Nashaki, my angel, Waqar

He even chose

Khabib likes

Asi, don’t worry about me in the future

you become ashamed

Why are you cursing?

I feel confused day and night

we make excuses

we say blame

This is a house and the other is a house

My position became

for god’s sake

 they envy me and humiliate me

We blame Naya

The queue is small!

Return to the past 


It is impossible to go back to the past again

Liam is like a mirage of wind and barren land

Between yesterday and today your present began

Between life there are happy moments

People live and people die in loneliness

New life appears in the details of your life

No matter how old you are, do not say I have support

Ages pass, and whoever loves you, love him

There is no friend except your friend in times of distress

Identify the characteristics of people in their interactions

NetNet is the place he frequents

If you are in a bad situation

Learn to be free from disappointment

O son of Adam, how are dust, fire and ice?

It is difficult for those who live to convert

Why not put a bandage on a serious wound?

Days of life disappear between joy and ulcers

Between pain, beauty and sadness, a sigh

Memories from years ago and memories remain.



সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

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