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শনিবার, ২৫ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৪:৫৪ পূর্বাহ্ন
Category in English

POEMS BY-Ivan Pozzoni

Ivan Pozzoni Ivan Pozzoni was born in Monza in 1976. He introduced Law and Literature in Italy and the publication of essays on Italian philosophers and on the ethics and ...বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

🌺Youssef lamlih✍️A City Beneath the Ashes of Silence🌺

Youssef lamlih A City Beneath the Ashes of Silence   Under a gray sky, the city stood as a faint shadow of what it once was. Streets that had once

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🌼Ivan Pozzoni Short Biography and Some Poems🌼

Ivan Pozzoni Ivan Pozzoni è nato a Monza nel 1976. Ha introdotto in Italia la materia della Law and Literature. Ha diffuso saggi su filosofi italiani e su etica e

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The Black Sheep and the Dog✍️ Oana Ileana Noorani

Oana Ileana Noorani The Black Sheep and the Dog I wandered through many crowded flocks, and finally, when the gong struck the exact hour, I understood that I am nothing

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AGAIN✍️Hasan Ildız

POET: HASAN ILDIZ  AGAIN I’m cutting my vineyard’s hair again I’m undressing again under the rain Native woman with bare shoulders. I only know your name And I see his

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