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  2. sadikurrahmanrumen55@gmail.com : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
শনিবার, ২৫ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৪:৩১ পূর্বাহ্ন

Ne ninge cu rouă și flori-By, Ileana Pascu, Moreni Romania

প্রতিবেদকের নাম:
  • প্রকাশিত: শনিবার, ২৭ এপ্রিল, ২০২৪
  • ২৬২ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Ileana Pascu Moreni

Ne ninge cu rouă și flori

Ploaia lovește geamul, în linii și curbe din lacrimi de dor Picături se preling pe sticlă, sărutând grăbite, obrazul apăsat Privirea pierdută, printre lacrimi de nor, prin frumosul decor Chipul tău prinde contur, peste bulevardul, de taine înțesat Din umbre și lumini împletite, în mrejele-i dulci mă cuprinde Spre cer privirea înalț, ca apoi, să o cobor peste vise Sub ninsoarea de flori de salcâm, ce din cer se desprinde Ne ninge, ne plouă, în dans ne poartă, pe aripi deschiseI t


snows us with dew and flowers

Ileana Pascu Moreni – Romania

The rain hits the window, in lines and curves from tears of longing Drops trickle down the crystal, kissing hastily, cheek pressed The lost gaze, among cloud tears, through the beautiful setting Your face takes shape, across the boulevard, shrouded in mystery From shadows and interwoven lights, in its sweet nets it encompasses me I look up at the sky, so that I can lower it over the dreams Under the snow of acacia flowers, what comes out of the sky It snows, it rains, it carries us in the dance, on open wings.

সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

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