Oana Ileana NooraniÂ
đDin ciclul: IntrospecČii ÃŽn iubireađ ČtiinČificÄâĻ
ÃČi mai aminteČti iubite, cÃĸnd te-am ÃŽntrebat: De ce ai mereu un alt chip, de ce cu fiecare clipÄ trecutÄ te preschimbi sub o altÄ ÃŽnfÄČiČare mobilÄ a unui cadru ÃŽn miČcare? Ãn care apari mereu Či mereu cu o nouÄ sau veche privire, o expresie facialÄ succedatÄ de o alta, o stare care angreneazÄ mai multe stÄri tranzitorii ÃŽnglobate ÃŽntr-un ÃŽntreg formatat din simČiri dÄinuitoare sau trecÄtoare ÃŽn apariČie. Tot timpul diferit Či tot timpul acelaČi! Či-am dovedit cÄ te iubesc ÃŽntr-o asemenea mÄsurÄ ÃŽncÃĸt mÄsurÄtoarea momentelor ÃŽncadrate ÃŽn procesul iubirii, nu poate fi relevatÄ decÃĸt la modul cÃĸt mai primar posibil, dar poate fi trÄitÄ sub forma altor parametri, aceia ai conectÄrii conČtiinČelor noastre. Či atunci, oare ce ÃŽnseamnÄ mÄsurÄtoarea timpului? Privesc ceasul, dupÄ cum aČ privi un metru Či ÃŽmi oferÄ o panoramÄ a ÃŽnaintÄrii graduale, Či totuČi intuiesc un paradox al unui ÃŽnapoi la fel de gradual cum s-a fÄcut ÃŽnaintarea. Da, se poate sÄ te fi iubit cu cÃĸČiva ani ÃŽn urmÄ Či se prea poate sÄ te mai iubesc ÃŽncÄ un mileniu pentru eternitatea clipei sau o clipÄ pentru eternitatea mileniului. SÄ fi trecut timpul? SÄ ne fi deplasat ÃŽntr-o direcČie a ÃŽnaintÄrii? Timpul nu este liniar, nu se prezintÄ nici mÄcar circular, este o congruenČÄ de aspecte pe care dacÄ ar trebui sÄ le ÃŽncadrÄm ÃŽntr-o poziČionare nu am avea posibilitatea, pentru cÄ poziČionarea timpului ar fi un cuantum al schimbÄrilor apÄrute imediat ÃŽn spaČiu. Einstein spune: âPune mÃĸna pe o sobÄ fierbinte un minut Či Či se va pÄrea o orÄ. Stai cu o fatÄ frumoasÄ o orÄ Či Či se va pÄrea un minut. Aceasta este relativitatea.â Ãntrebarea apare sub o formÄ destul de concisÄ: Care va fi percepČia timpului fÄrÄ a privi o formÄ de mÄsurare, ÃŽnainte sau ÃŽnapoi? StaticÄ sau ÃŽn miČcare? Toate aceste relativitÄČi ale timpului, se numesc manifestÄri ale timpului ÃŽn materie, percepute ÃŽn funcČie de evenimente prin intermediul trÄirilor, mai vechi sau mai noi, ÃŽntorcÃĸndu-ne la momentul de bazÄ sau ÃŽnaintÃĸnd cÃĸt mai departe de structura lui. Ãntr-o manierÄ asemÄnÄtoare cu a unei stÄri ÃŽn braČele tale iubitul meu, ÃŽn care ÃŽmi apari uneori ÃŽntÃĸrziat, uneori devreme; o stare pe care o simt ca Či cum ar fi fost ieri Či totuČi va veni Či mÃĸine.
đFrom the series: Introspections in Scientific LoveâĻđ
Do you remember, my love, when I asked you: Why do you always have a different face, why with every passing moment do you transform under a different mobile appearance of a moving frame? In which you appear again and again with a new or old gaze, a facial expression followed by another, a state that engages multiple transitional states embedded in a whole structured of enduring or fleeting perceptions. Always different and yet always the same! I have proven to you that I love you to such an extent that measuring the moments framed in the process of love can only be revealed in the most primary way possible, but it can be experienced in the form of other parameters, those of connecting our consciousnesses. And then, what does measuring time mean? I look at the clock, as I would look at a ruler, and it offers me a panorama of gradual advancement, and yet I sense a paradox of a retreat as gradual as the advancement was made. Yes, it’s possible that I loved you a few years ago and it’s quite possible that I will love you for another millennium for the eternity of the moment or a moment for the eternity of the millennium. Has time passed? Have we moved in a direction of advancement? Time is not linear, it is not even circular, it is a congruence of aspects that if we had to frame in a position, we would not have the possibility, because the positioning of time would be a quantum of changes that appear immediately in space. Einstein says, “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.” The question arises in quite a concise form: What will be the perception of time without looking at a form of measurement, backward or forward? Static or moving? All these relativities of time are called manifestations of time in matter, perceived in terms of events through experiences, older or newer, returning to the basic moment or moving as far from its structure as possible. In a manner similar to being in your arms, my love, in which you sometimes appear belated, sometimes early; a state that I feel as if it was yesterday and yet will also come tomorrow.
Translated from Romanian into English by Adriana CrÄciun.
Published by: Md. Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
Editor in chief: Pencraft, Literary Magazine Bangladesh