Se pare cÄ mi-ai dat un crin regal asearÄ, dar nu Čtiai cÄ uneori un crin mÄ ameČeČte, eu am sÄ ÃŽČi dau o lÄcrÄmioarÄ Či fie ca de fericire inima sÄ-Či lÄcrimeze… Am tot sperat sÄ-mi dai sÄlbateca-Či â suavÄ sÄrutare Či mi-am dorit sÄ fiu un meterez asociat cu-n panaceu ÃŽntre uscat Či mare, atunci cÃĸnd apele ÃŽnvolburate lovesc un mal al unei existenČe… Oh, da, mi-am tot dorit sÄ-Či fiu o alinare! PÄdure sunt Či tu ÃŽmi eČti pÄmÃĸntul din care cu ardoare ÃŽmi trag seva, mai mult de-atÃĸt te regÄsesc ÃŽn oxigenul din care eu, Femeie â Zeie, devin ce-am fost cÃĸndva ÃŽn raiul personal, acea eternÄ Eva care atinge paradisul tÄu Či ÃŽmi exiČti sublim precum un Zeu, apoi mÄ regÄsesc ÃŽncredinČatÄ ÃŽn a ta simČire Či condamnatÄ la a ta iubire ÃŽntre mai multe orizonturi aflate ÃŽntr-o contopire… Acolo unde lumina e sclipire Či unde tu, iubite, mi te prefaci ÃŽn nemurire, o nefireascÄ agonie a aČteptÄrii – dorului de tine, gÄsitÄ ÃŽn a crezului universal – mÄrire, subtilitÄČi ÃŽn contopire, de dincolo, iubite, de dincolo de-a minČii mele stÄri â euforie. Am ÃŽnČeles, nu poČi sÄ-i ceri osÃĸnzei sÄ devinÄ vie, dar poČi sÄ speri cÄ viaČa nu-i un martiriu prin sÃĸnge, ci doar evlavie prin ÃŽmplinire, chiar o sentimentalÄ â emoČionalÄ formÄ de pornire.
ČtiinČific ne regÄsim ÃŽn douÄ rezistenČe, una ÃŽn maxim Či cealaltÄ-n minim, ÃŽnsÄ de cele mai multe ori minimul dacÄ are o congruenČÄ Či-o ÃŽntÄrire prin alÄturare, suport din faČÄ, spate Či din laterale va putea atinge maximul printr-o frecvenČÄ sau mai multe frecvenČe ÃŽntre secvenČe bine conturate. Tu spune-le aČa, iubite, cÄ âfiravulâ nu este ÃŽntotdeauna solitarul Či nu se va prezenta ca forČÄ cu capabilitate nulÄ sau o putere mai puČinÄ, dacÄ existÄ cÄi prin care sÄ se iveascÄ posibilitÄČi de ÃŽntÄrire. âFiravulâ este o construcČie cÄreia i se poate face o adÄugire Či poate genera la rÃĸndu-i prin permisibilitate mai multe forČe ÃŽnrudite ÃŽn propria bazÄ concentrate, ce pot crea din minimÄ, o super – maximÄ ÃŽnfÄptuire, de multe ori devenind inebranlabilul care susČine o chintesenČÄ cu un atu central de importanČÄ.
Nu am sÄ mint, dar atunci cÃĸnd unui maxim i se adaugÄ un minim pot apÄrea doar douÄ faze implicit, o fazÄ ÃŽn care maximul poate sÄ decadÄ Či sÄ ajungÄ la putere medie unde sÄ piardÄ potenČialitate sau minimul sÄ ÃŽi devinÄ o valoare adÄugatÄ Či maximul sÄ se transforme ÃŽntr-un mega â maxim tendenČial spre absoluitate cu trÄsÄturi prin care o proporČionalitate apare bine structuratÄ sau ÃŽn mai rare cazuri exacerbatÄ posibilitate cu capabilitate fazicÄ ÃŽnaintatÄ.
PÃĸnÄ la urmÄ, adevÄrul este adevÄr Či va sta drept, mereu al realitÄČii luptÄtor… tu mi-ai promis un diamant, eu Či-am promis o piatrÄ, tu-mi eČti iubitul adorat, eu o frumoasÄ ÃŽncÄ adormitÄ care nutreČte la o sÄrutare sÄlbatecÄ – suavÄ, pentru a fi trezitÄ… Haide, gÃĸndeČte… ce e acela un diamant neČlefuit, dacÄ nu, firavÄ piatrÄ fÄrÄ sclipire ÃŽntr-un rÄsÄrit?
Iubito, chiar Či-am promis un crin regal Či-un diamant Či-mi par cÄ se tot pierd ÃŽn noapte, de ce preferi sÄ mÄ iubeČti cÃĸnd ziua-Či stÄ acum aproape?
Iubite, priveČte azi la darul meu: o lÄcrÄmioarÄ, paradoxal ivitÄ dintr-o piatrÄ care a tot creat o temelie sufleteascÄ… o unicÄ conexiune existenČialÄ Či maximul potenČial ce ÃŽl aveam atunci deodatÄ.
Chiar tu mi-ai spus… dacÄ se lasÄ ÃŽnserarea frumosul – strÄlucirea unui diamant va dispÄrea Či eu ÃŽČi spun sÄ simČi din nou o lÄcrÄmioarÄ ce-a apÄrut din conjunctura nopČii Či Či-a croit un drum prin piatra grea, iar inima-Či va ÃŽnČelege cÄ niciodatÄ n-a fost un preapuČin sÄ ai iubirea mea!
It seems last night you gave me a royal lily, unaware that sometimes a lily makes me dizzy, Iâll give you a lily of the valley, and may it bring you tears of joy… I have long hoped for your wild-gentle kiss, and I’ve wished to be a breakwater associated with a panacea between land and sea, when turbulent waters strike a shore of an existence… Oh, yes, how I’ve wanted to be your relief, your persistence! A forest I am, and you are the earth beneath, fervently from you, my sap I bequeath, more than that, I find you in the oxygen I breathe, I, Woman â Goddess, revert to Eve in my personal eden, touching your paradise, and you exist to me, sublime like a Deity, then in your sentiment, I’m confined, and doomed to your love across merging horizonsâĻ Where light glimmers and you, my love, feign to be my undying, an unnatural agony of waiting – longing for you, found in the universal creed – glory, subtleties merging, from beyond my mind’s states – euphoria. I’ve understood, you can’t ask suet to come alive, but you can hope that life is not a martyrdom through blood, but merely devotion through fulfillment, even a sentimental â emotional form of departure.
Scientifically, we find ourselves in two states of resistance, one at maximum and the other at minimum. However, most often, if the minimum has congruence and is reinforced by joining, support from the front, back, and sides, it can reach the maximum through one or more well-defined frequency sequences. Tell them, my love, that “the fragile” is not always solitary and does not present itself as a force with no capability or lesser power, if there are ways to create possibilities for strengthening. “The fragile” is a construct to which additions can be made, potentially generating through permissibility multiple related forces concentrated in its own base, which can transform the minimal into a super-maximal achievement, often becoming the unshakeable that supports a quintessence with a central ace of importance.
I won’t lie, but when a maximum is added to a minimum, only two phases can implicitly emerge: a phase where the maximum may decline and reach an average power where it loses potentiality, or its minimum becomes an added value and the maximum transforms into a mega-maximum, tending towards absoluteness with characteristics through which a well-structured proportionality appears, or in rarer cases, an exacerbated possibility with advanced physical capability.
In the end, the truth stands tall, always the champion of reality… you promised me a diamond, I promised you a stone, you are my beloved, adored and known, I, still a beauty asleep, longing for that wild, soft kiss, to awaken me from this deep… Come now, think… what is a rough diamond, if not a fragile stone without gleam at dawn’s brink?
Beloved queen, I indeed promised you a regal lily and a diamond, it seems they get lost in the night, why choose to love me when day is already in sight?
Beloved king, look now at my gift: a lily of the valley, paradoxical born from a stone that has built a soulful baseâĻ a unique existential connection, and the maximum potential that I once embraced.
You once said… as evening falls the beauty of a diamond fades, and I say feel once more the lily of the valley that emerged from the night’s shades, carving its path through the hard stone, and your heart will understand that never was it too little to have my love shown!
Translated from Romanian into English by Adriana CrÄciun.