Unde-mi erai, atunci cÃĸnd apa mÄrilor lovea frenetic un ČÄrm al neČtiinČei fÄrÄ nume?
Iar vÃĸntul scutura adesea florile… care-au zburat ÃŽn depÄrtÄrile senine Či ÃŽmi doream sÄ mÄ feresc de orice picÄturÄ ce mi-ar fi exaltat a inimii vÄpaie,
Oh, da, m-am ÃŽmbÄtat cu-n elixir Či-n tot acel delirium tremens trÄiam poveČtile cu zÃĸne,
Ãn care ielele dansau Či eu, Afrodita, eram ademenitÄ ÃŽntr-un amar Či dulce somn de frenezie.
Unde ÃŽmi eČti, cÃĸnd echinocČiul aratÄ egalitatea zilei cu a nopČii?
Acum cÃĸnd ne iubim prin sferele alambicate unde mutÄm pionul Či nebunul pe tabla Čahului Či-a sorČii,
ÃncÄ mai simČi fiori cÄ undeva la margine de drum, aČteaptÄ ÃŽntr-o perfidÄ conjuncturÄ un memento-mori cu temutul Sfinx?
Nu vreau sÄ-i dau rÄspunsul, dar cer sÄ ÃŽmi ÃŽntindÄ cheia cÄtre ieČirea dintr-un labirint spre calea dreaptÄ a unui paradis!
Unde vei fi, atunci cÃĸnd o puternicÄ Atena va-ncÄleca ÃŽn grabÄ faimosul minotaur?
Či ÃŽČi va face amuletÄ preČioasÄ din fioroasa HidrÄ Či pÃĸntecele ÃŽngrozitorului balaur.
Multe vor fi poveČti reale Či fictive, bine ascunse ÃŽntr-o cutie ferecatÄ a Pandorei, uitatÄ ÃŽn sertarul din inima credinČei,
Ãn care doar speranČa va dezlega enigma drumurilor ÃŽncurcate prin slove tÄlmÄcite Či prin puterea conČtiinČei.
Iubite, te ÃŽntreb, mai bat acele vÃĸnturi venite de la miazÄzi?
PoČi sÄ ghiceČti precis momentul ÃŽn care tu mi-ai fost, ÃŽmi eČti Či ÃŽmi vei fi?
Where were you when the waters of the seas were frantically hitting the shores of nameless ignorance?
And the wind shook the flowers, which flew into the serene distance, and I wanted to avoid any drops that would have exalted my flamed heart by imprudence,Â
Oh yes, I got drunk on the elixir and in all that tremens delirium I was living a fairy tale, for which I had a strong affinity,Â
And where the iele danced and I, Aphrodite, was lured into a bitter and sweet sleep of frenzy.
Where are you when the equinox shows the equality of day and night?
Now when we are in love through the distorted spheres where we move the pawn and the knight on the chessboard of fate, making efforts to undo the plight,Â
Do you still feel shivers that somewhere on the side of the road, the dreaded Sphinx is waiting in a treacherous situation and a memento mori appears and the inferno will arise?Â
I am not afraid, I refuse to respond with the answer, but I ask that he hand me the key to the exit from the labyrinth into the straight path of paradise!
Where will you be when mighty Athena rushes on to the famous minotaur that was for centuries a danger that befell so sudden?
And she will make a precious amulet from the fierce Hydra and the belly of the terrible dragon.
Many will be real and fictional stories, well hidden in a Pandora’s Box, forgotten in the chamber of the heart of fated existence,
In which only hope will unravel the enigma of tangled roads through interpreted letters and the power of conscience.
My love, I ask you, are these blowing southern winds giving you the latest sign?
Can you guess the exact moment when you were, are, and will be mine?
(English version