đMy love, I don’t know if I have told you before…đ
My love, I don’t know if I have told you before… when the chronograph showed the exact hour of the beginning, that you are the sunrise that forgot its sunset!
I sense you like the scent of spring flowers, the exuberance of summer nights, the abundance of autumn days, the splendor of snowflakes in a peaceful winter, lively emergent,
One cycle comes to pass, another arrives, always through a turning of the year, pending movements of time that wears its continuity and infinity like a stag with a golden star on its head, superbly,
Do you know that if I had to choose between an outcast, Snow White, and a charming Snow Queen, I would find my reflection in both to be lucky enough to find the simplicity of love and impetuosity merging with power and complexity.
My love, I don’t know if I have told you before, but I got lost through the polar hemispheres congruent with the apparent axis of Mother Earth, which purports to be deeply spiritual,
From there in the distance, I recollect your eyes, a metaphorical vibration of an iris and a pupil, and in the look of the eye that knows that it has known, there is the testimony that reveals the imprint of the mysteries of the eternal,
Do you remember when you asked me firmly to understand the truth of where I am from or how I appeared and then you told me imperatively: “Leave with the night and come with the lightâ?
Oh, yes, I will ask you: But if the night no longer happens on Earth, will the contrast and the follow-up appear, will there come after a darkness, the morning, and the light?
Iubite, nu Čtiu dacÄ Či-am mai spus… atunci cÃĸnd orologiul arÄta ora exactÄ a unui ÃŽnceput, cÄ tu eČti rÄsÄritul care Či-a uitat apusul!
Te simt precum mireasma florilor de primÄvarÄ, exuberanČa nopČilor de varÄ, o abundenČÄ a zilelor de toamnÄ, splendoarea fulgilor de nea care se aflÄ ÃŽntr-o liniČtitÄ iarnÄ. Â
Un ciclu trece, altul vine, mereu printr-o rotaČie a anului, miČcÄri pendinte ale timpului ce-Či poartÄ ca un cerb cu stea ÃŽn frunte, continuitatea Či infinitatea,Â
SÄ Čtii cÄ de ar fi s-aleg ÃŽntre o alungatÄ AlbÄ ca ZÄpada Či o fermecÄtoare CrÄiasÄ a ZÄpezii, m-aČ reflecta ÃŽn amÃĸndouÄ pentru-a avea norocul de a gÄsi simplitatea iubirii Či impetuozitatea ÃŽn contopire cu puterea Či complexitatea.
Iubite, nu Čtiu dacÄ Či-am mai spus, dar m-am pierdut prin emisferele polare aflate ÃŽntr-o congruenČÄ cu-o aparentÄ axÄ a PÄmÃĸntului,Â
De-acolo din ÃŽndepÄrtÄri ÃŽmi amintesc de ochii tÄi, de-o metaforicÄ vibraČie a unui iris Či-o pupilÄ, iar ÃŽn privirea ochiului ce Čtie cÄ a cunoscut, se aflÄ mÄrturia care relevÄ amprenta tainelor eternului,Â
Mai Čtii cÃĸnd mi-ai cerut concretul de-a ÃŽnČelege adevÄrul de unde sunt sau cum am apÄrut Či mai apoi mi-ai spus imperativ: âPleacÄ cu noaptea Či vino cu luminaâ?
Oh, da, eu am sÄ-Či pun o ÃŽntrebare: Dar oare, dacÄ noaptea nu mai este pe PÄmÃĸnt, va apÄrea contrastul Či urmarea, se va ivi dupÄ un ÃŽntuneric, dimineaČa Či lumina?