My love, I don’t know if it was meant by some higher spheres, like in a “tempora labuntur” that my âAchilles’ heelâ would be pierced with precision, by giving me a lesson
At that instant when I focused on transposing it as in medicine, fortifying what an orthopedist calls “Achilles’ tendon”Â
What could be this perfidious, crude form of collapse in our fate?Â
Where existence is meant to be an anonymous, worn-out beggar, agonizing for love at the charade’s gate.
We spin in this world full of prejudices as if we were in “The Hunger Games” movieÂ
And we seek an exit from the “Matrix” we don’t associate with, and it would be good to defiantly defy reality,Â
My love, we no longer ask anyone for light, as we were born from light and we have it within us like a grand cup of nectar,Â
Our union will transcend expectations, where absolute paradise is felt through the love that will become the most beautiful altar.
Translated from Romanian into English by Adriana CrÄciun. Revised by Oana Noorani.
Iubite, nu Čtiu dacÄ s-a vrut de undeva din sferele ÃŽnalte ca-ntr-un âtempora labunturâ sÄ mi se sÄgeteze cu precizie âcÄlcÃĸiul lui Ahileâ,Â
CÃĸnd eu mÄ concentrasem sÄ-l transpun ca-n medicinÄ Či sÄ fortific ceea ce un ortoped numeČte âtendonul lui Ahileâ,Â
Ce oare o fi aceastÄ perfidÄ formÄ grobianÄ de degringoladÄ ÃŽn a noastrÄ soartÄ?
Ãn care existenČa se vrea o anonimÄ ponositÄ cerČind ÃŽn agonie iubire la a Čaradei poartÄ.Â
Ne ÃŽnvÃĸrtim ÃŽn lumea asta plinÄ de prejudecÄČi de parca-m fi ÃŽn acela film âThe Hunger Gamesâ,
Či cÄutÄm pe undeva ieČirea din âMatrixulâ cu care nu ne-asociem Či realitÄČii sfidÄtoare bine ar fi sÄ ÃŽi dÄm ghes,Â
Iubite, nu mai cerem nimÄnui lumina, cÄci din iubire ne-am nÄscut Či o avem ÃŽn noi precum o cupÄ mare cu nectar,Â
A noastrÄ uniune va accede chiar dincolo de aČteptÄri, acolo unde raiul absolut se simte prin iubirea care va fi cel mai frumos altar.