Aripile ÃŽngerilor ÃŽnconjurau subit palatele de gheaČÄ Či cleČtar ÃŽn timpul unei viscolite ierni,
Un soare se ivea pentru-a topi zÄpada din ÃŽntunericul asemuit unui infern, ÃŽn care doar lumina anunČa venirea simbolicÄ a mult doritei primÄveri,
Se poate sÄ fi fost CenuČÄreasa Či sÄ-l aČtept pe FÄt Frumos din LacrimÄ, dar oare de la ce veche tarabÄ va trebui sÄ cumpÄr ÃŽn cea mai mare grabÄ, o reuČitÄ Či pantofii?
Atunci cÃĸnd Čtiu cÄ ÃŽmi voi pierde o speranČÄ a regÄsirii pe scÄrile amorfe ale palatului iubirii.
Un prieten ÃŽmi spunea: âTu eČti doar avatarul unei strÄlucite Zeie care a pierdut ÃŽn lupta cu ÃŽngerii cÄzuČi din graČii.â
Oh, cÃĸt de pueril, sunau aceste vorbe, cÃĸnd eu cerČeam printre gunoaie harul divin de-a-nainta cunoaČterea de dincolo de stele Či ale lor configuraČii,
Iubite, eu te aČtept strÃĸngÃĸnd cenuČa ce s-a lÄsat pe vatra unui adÄpost dintr-un bordei care odinioarÄ a fost regatul Či palatul unei elogiate Zeie,
Cum aČ putea sÄ fac sÄ mÄ gÄseČti cÃĸnd tu ai talpa Či cu tocul, iar mie mi-a rÄmas un simplu Čnur Či a pantofului sÄrÄcÄcioasÄ piele?
CÃĸndva mi-ai perorat: âExiČti precum o Zeie Či eu un simplu muritor, exiČti precum o chintesenČÄ a privirilor – femeie Či eu o efemerÄ stea a unui luptÄtor.â
M-aČ regÄsi deopotrivÄ ÃŽntr-o cheie ce va deschide ferecatul lacÄt, acolo unde sentimentalismul ÃŽntrece fizicul Či unde trupul este generat de minte, iar eul devine peste ego un dascÄl care-l articuleazÄ dÃĸndu-i statut de pierzÄtor,
Lumea se-aratÄ strÄlucitÄ, ÃŽnsÄ cÃĸnd o cenuČÄ apare de dupÄ focul unde-a ars un arbore Sequoia, mi-aduc aminte de-o copilÄrie ca-n operele lui Feraoun Či uit c-am fost cÃĸndva o Zeie ÃŽn fruntea comandamentelor cereČti,
Da, ÃŽmi doresc ca sÄ ridic prin erudiČie un vÄl al neČtiinČei, pentru ca existenČa sÄ se apropie de veČnicia cerului, da, chiar de-aici dintre meleagurile pÄmÃĸnteČti.
The wings of angels suddenly surrounded the palaces of ice and crystal during a stormy winterâs fling,
A sun appeared to melt the snow from the darkness likened to an inferno, where only the light heralded the symbolic arrival of the much-desired spring,
Could it be that I was Cinderella and awaited Prince Charming, but from which old stall will I need after all to hurriedly buy a success and the shoes?
When I know I will lose a hope of reunion above, on the amorphous stairs of the palace of love clues.
A friend told me, “You are merely the avatar of a brilliant Goddess who lost the battle with the angels fallen from grace.”
Oh, how childish those words sounded, when I was begging among the garbage for the divine gift to advance the knowledge beyond the stars and their configurationsâ place,
Beloved, I wait for you gathering the ashes left on the hearth of a shelter in a hut that was once the kingdom and palace of a lauded Goddess,
How could I make you find me when you have the sole and the heel, and I am left with a simple lace and the impoverished leather of the shoe in all my solitude that generates so much less?
Once you declaimed to me: “You exist like a Goddess and I, a mere mortal laurier, you exist like the quintessence of gazes – woman, and I, an ephemeral star of a warrior.”
I would equally find myself in a key that will open the sealed lock, where sentiment surpasses the physical and where the body is generated by the mind, and the inner self becomes a teacher over the ego, articulating it and granting it the status of a loser.
The world appears bright, but when ashes emerge from the fire where a Sequoia tree burned, I remember a childhood like in the writings of Feraoun and forget that I was once a Goddess at the forefront of celestial commands,
Yes, I wish to lift through erudition a veil of ignorance so that existence may come close to the eternity of the sky, yes, even from here among the earthly realmsâ demands.