Mintal, mÄ perindasem ÃŽntre douÄ stÄri: una de renunČare Či alta de ÃŽnaintare Či nu ÃŽnČelegeam cÄ o mocirlÄ poate fi efectul ce-apare dupÄ o furtunÄ, acolo unde uneori se-anunČÄ liniČtea speranČelor Či ÃŽmplinirea pe drumuri poleite-n aur de un puternic astru â soare.Â
Cineva ÃŽmi perorase un verset: âNu da mÄrgÄritare porcilorâ, ÃŽnsÄ mult mai tÃĸrziu aveam sÄ ÃŽnČeleg cÄ porcii sunt doar primitive animale Či cÄ mÄrgÄritarele sunt nestemate pline de schimbare ÃŽn lumea asta ÃŽn care cel mai mic sperÄ cÄ va fi mare Či ielele danseazÄ dupÄ cÃĸntul Zeilor prin acceptare Či-ascultare.Â
Divinul pÄmÃĸntesc se ÃŽmparte acum ÃŽn douÄ ipostaze cu o reflecČie directÄ a ÃŽntunericului Či-a luminii, iar calea cÄtre adevÄr se-aratÄ a fi distorsionatÄ, apoi se redreseazÄ dintr-o curbÄ ÃŽntr-o dreaptÄ, direcČie cÄtre un rÄsÄrit urmat de un apus sau un apus din care-aČtepČi un rÄsÄrit,Â
Oh, da, Či stau pe scena existenČei aplaudÃĸnd cu fast un public Či actorii, mai multe mÄČti Či o singurÄ tragicÄ – comedie, ca ÃŽn âDivina Comedieâ, ÃŽn care drumul spre divinitate pare a fi infernul pe care ÃŽl renegi dintr-o apostazie, sperÃĸnd cÄ ÃŽnceputul e fÄrÄ de sfÃĸrČit…Â
Fizic, mÄ regÄsesc ÃŽn cerČetorul de la poarta raiului, ce stÄ ÃŽn haine albe ponosite Či murdÄrite de ruginÄ, dar cu statut de cÄlÄuzÄ ÃŽn punctul unde pragul trebuie trecut de cei care-Či doresc eternul paradis ÃŽn inimÄ Či minte, dintr-o dorinČÄ Či putinČÄ,Â
Apa mÄrii ÃŽČi cheamÄ sirenele ca sÄ ÃŽncÃĸnte cÄpitanii, marinarii Či piraČii, ÃŽnsÄ corÄbiile sunt neclintite, avem nevoie de Poseidon s-alunge azi himerele, ferind ambarcaČiunea de grele naufragii, acum cÃĸnd anecdota dezvÄluie o acČiune epicÄ mult prea nonconformistÄ pentru cerinČele de azi; âVivat Metamorfoza!â, nu un final Či o sentinČÄ.Â
Iubite, se pare cÄ n-ai ÃŽnČeles cÄ-n Univers sfÃĸrČitul nu existÄ, ci doar o scarÄ Či o uČÄ, drumul parcurs cÄtre acoperiČ de cÃĸt mai jos din pivniČÄ, ÃŽntr-o ascensiune formatÄ dintr-o legÄturÄ directÄ ÃŽntre spiritualitate Či ČtiinČÄ,Â
Či-atunci cÃĸnd stelele aratÄ miČcÄrile pe calea soarelui-rÄsare, tu sÄ-Či aduci aminte cÄ vremea este-n transformare, iar timpul va accelera cunoaČterea ÃŽn era-n care devenim ÃŽntregul printr-o congruenČÄ dintre a minČii erudiČie Či-a inimii credinČÄ.Â
Mentally, I wandered between two states: one of surrender and another of advance, not understanding that a mire can be the effect after a storm, where sometimes the peace of hopes and fulfillment are announced on roads gilded in gold by the sun – powerful star.
Someone declaimed to me a verse: âDonât cast your pearls before swine,â but much later I was to understand that swine are just primitive animals and pearls are gems full of change in this world where the smallest hopes to become great, and the iele dance to the Deitiesâ song through acceptance and obedience realities included in the lifeâs memoir.
The earthly divine now splits into two stances with a direct reflection of darkness and light, and the path to truth appears distorted, then straightens from a curve into a straight line, a direction towards a sunrise followed by a sunset or a sunset from which you expect a sunrise where the lights always ascend,
Oh, yes, and I stand on the stage of existence, applauding with pomp an audience and actors, multiple masks and a single tragic – comedy, like in the “Divine Comedy,” where the path to divinity seems to be the hell you reject in an apostasy, hoping that the beginning is without end…
Physically, I find myself in the beggar at heavenâs gate, standing in shabby white clothes covered with rust, but with the status of a guide at the point where the threshold must be crossed by those who desire the eternal paradise in heart and mind, from a desire and ability,
The sea calls its sirens to enchant the captains, sailors, and pirates, but the ships are immovable, we need Poseidon today to drive away the chimeras, protecting the vessel from heavy shipwrecks, now when the anecdote reveals an epic action much too nonconformist for today’s requirements; âLong live Metamorphosis!â, not an end and a sentence as strong probability.
Beloved, it seems you didnât understand that in the Universe the end does not exist, but only a staircase and a door, the path traveled to the roof from as low as the cellar, in an ascent formed by a direct link between spirituality and science,
And when the stars show the movements on the path of the rising sun, you must remember that time is in transformation, and time will accelerate knowledge in the era where we become the entire through a congruence between the mindâs erudition and the heart’s faith alliance.