Era o sÄrbÄtoare unicÄ a primÄverii ÃŽnfloririi. Oh, da, aici pe Terra Či-n mÄreaČa Andromeda; un anotimp aflat ÃŽntre palatele trÄirii, unde ÃŽnmuguriserÄ fiorii copacului iubirii Či tot priveam cÃĸt mai departe spre grandoarea superbului zenit, cÃĸnd deodatÄ s-a apropiat Lilith:
CununÄ din mugurii nopČii port ÃŽn sufletul dorinČei. Am plecat din noaptea blestematÄ, pe cÄrarea de spini a neČtiinČei. Či deodatÄ prin poarta ÃŽnfloratÄ am pÄČit ÃŽntr-o grÄdinÄ de iubire parfumatÄ; tÄrÃĸmul de legendÄ al Afroditei. Spune-mi, dragÄ Afrodita, din ce motiv am fost adusÄ aici Či mai apoi ne-am ÃŽntÃĸlnit?
Atunci cÃĸnd Cronos te-a prins ÃŽn acest dans celestial al Zeilor, erai debusolatÄ, fugeai cu o tÄrie amplÄ sufleteascÄ de un miraj ce se-arÄta precum Fata Morgana Či de-o himerÄ anostÄ a trecutului, tot cÄutÃĸnd eterna libertate Či grabnica ieČire din calea ÃŽncurcatÄ. Tu, draga mea, Lilith, ai semnele unui slujit, dar ai crezut ÃŽntr-o sclipire a unui rÄsÄrit ce se ivea de dincolo de freamÄtul noianului de frunze din noaptea profund ÃŽntunecatÄ. AČ vrea sÄ ÃŽČi arÄt o pÄpÄdie, Či-odatÄ ajunsÄ la maturitate, chiar dacÄ vÃĸntul ÃŽi va purta candoarea Či seminČele departe peste glie, ea va avea curajul sÄ-Či ÃŽnrÄdÄcineze conČtiinČa ÃŽn raiul personal acolo unde credinČele-i vor fi stabilitÄČi ÃŽn locurile ÃŽnsorite sau umbrite, iar vocea ta va fi de-acum un strigÄt ÃŽnÄlČat cÄtre MÄritul Infinit Či nu o scurtÄ efemerÄ ČoaptÄ. Azi ai ajuns ÃŽn spaČiul cel mai potrivit al unui timp nemÄrginit.
It was a unique springtime festival of blossoming. Oh yes, here on Earth and in the grand Andromeda; a season found between the palaces of living, where the thrills of the tree of love were budding and I kept gazing far towards the grandeur of the magnificent zenith, when suddenly approached Lilith:
I bear a crown of night’s buds in the soul of desire. I left the cursed night, on the path of thorns of ignorance. And suddenly, through the blossomed gate, I stepped into a garden of fragrant love; the legendary realm of Aphrodite. Tell me, dear Aphrodite, why was I brought here and then we meet?
When Cronos caught you in this celestial dance of the Deities, you were disoriented, fleeing with great spiritual strength from a mirage that appeared like a Fata Morgana, and from a tedious chimera of the past, always seeking eternal freedom and the hasty exit from the tangled path. You, my dear Lilith, bear the signs of servitude, but you believed in the glimmer of a sunrise that appeared from beyond the leafy rustling tumult of the deeply dark night. I would like to show you a dandelion, and once it reaches maturity, even if the wind carries away its candor and seeds far across the soil, it will have the courage to root its consciousness in a personal heaven where its beliefs will be established in sunny or shaded places, and your voice from now on will be a holler raised towards the Great Infinite and not a brief ephemeral whisper so unimportant. Today, you have arrived at the most suitable space in a time without limit.