Beloved, do you remember when you symbolically gave me that pearl necklace to possess an incomparable beauty? Oh, if you only knew that one day, the thread broke unintentionally, and the pearls scattered across a floor that had only dark cracks in the old wood of an obscure room, leaving me with its nacreous clasp and a precious golden natural pearl detached from the ocean infinity.Â
Time came and wanted to gift me more cultured pearls, but how could I accept when I held a genuine pearl in my hand, especially to associate it on a single thread, in tandem with other pearls lacking a sparkle in the eye’s gaze that found in is pearl a unique jewellery?
I began to imagine the world transforming into a calm water that accumulates against the current in a spacious riverbed when the sun rises, and I saw the diversity and uniqueness from the depths, where marine creatures are like moving gems, and the main strength appears to be the inner self, which, together with the exterior, are in connection and completion,
A friend kept telling me about various times from the past, the so-called Rubenesque times, when the form did not want to betray its known content, but what do you do when the form no longer has a basis today to correlate with the essence, and where a supporting principle wants to be disguised or perhaps removed, even before an articulation?
I often wondered if a disdemony could have coherence in reality and if that pearl necklace could represent a rupture, because in a series of cases, an interruption also appears as a high form â an elevation, resembling the first glimmer of light after night, announcing the splendid unknown morning?
It is often said that nothingness is one with the abyss, part of a complex process, but I believe that in many instances, an annulment admits a stage of a different potential in consciousness connected to an intrinsic nature, and in the existential progress, one face admits another valued face in an entire that is never breaking. Oh, yes, beloved, I want you to understand that in our reality, you always exist like a pearl, and I am your protective shell â like an entire with lives embracing.
Iubite, ÃŽČi mai aduci aminte cÃĸnd mi-ai oferit simbolic acel Čirag de perle pentru-a avea o frumuseČe nemaiÃŽntÃĸlnitÄ? Oh, de ai Čti cÄ ÃŽntr-o zi s-a rupt fÄrÄ sÄ vreau o legÄturÄ â firul Či perlele s-au ÃŽnČirat pe o podea care avea doar crÄpÄturi ÃŽntunecate ÃŽn lemnul vechi al unei camere obscure Či am rÄmas cu-a sa ÃŽnchizÄtoare sidefatÄ Či cu o preČioasÄ aurie perlÄ naturalÄ.Â
Timpu-a venit Či-a vrut sÄ-mi dÄruiascÄ mai multe perle de culturÄ, dar cum s-accept cÃĸnd eu Čineam ÃŽn mÃĸnÄ o perlÄ veritabilÄ Či mai ales sÄ o asociez pe-un singur fir, ÃŽntr-un tandem cu alte perle lipsite de-o sclipire ÃŽn a ochiului cÄutÄturÄ,
Am ÃŽnceput sÄ ÃŽmi imaginez cÄ lumea se transfigureazÄ ÃŽntr-o apÄ linÄ, care se-acumuleazÄ contrar curentului ÃŽntr-o ÃŽncÄpÄtoare albie a unui rÃĸu, atunci cÃĸnd soarele rÄsare, Či am vÄzut diversitatea Či unicitatea din adÃĸncuri, acolo unde vietÄČile marine sunt nestemate ÃŽn miČcare, iar punctul forte se-aratÄ a fi ÃŽnsuČi lÄuntricul Či ÃŽmpreunÄ cu exteriorul se aflÄ ÃŽn conexiune Či ÃŽn completare,
O prietenÄ mi-a tot vorbit despre mai multe vremuri din trecut, aČa numitele timpuri rubensiene, atunci cÃĸnd forma nu voia sÄ ÃŽČi trÄdeze Čtiutul conČinut, dar ce te faci cÃĸnd forma nu mai are azi o bazÄ pentru a fi ÃŽn corelaČie cu fondul Či unde un principiu de susČinere se vrea disimulat sau poate-nlÄturat, chiar ÃŽnainte de o pronunČare?
M-am ÃŽntrebat de multe ori, dacÄ o disidemonie poate avea o coerenČÄ ÃŽntr-o realitate Či oare acel Čirag de perle sÄ reprezinte o rupturÄ, pentru cÄ ÃŽntr-o serie de cazuri o ÃŽntrerupere apare Či ca ÃŽnaltÄ formÄ – elevaČie, ce se aseamÄnÄ cu-o primÄ geanÄ de luminÄ ivitÄ dupÄ noapte, care anunČÄ superba neČtiutÄ dimineaČÄ?
De multe ori se spune cÄ neantul este una cu abisul, o parte a unui ÃŽncurcat proces, ÃŽnsÄ eu cred cÄ ÃŽn prea multe dÄČi o anulare admite o etapÄ a unui altfel de potenČial ÃŽn conČtiinČa conectatÄ la un intrinsec, iar ÃŽn progresul existenČial o faČÄ admite o altÄ valorificatÄ faČÄ. Oh, da, iubite, aČ vrea sÄ ÃŽnČelegi, cÄ-n realitatea noastrÄ exiČti mereu precum o perlÄ Či eu a ta ocrotitoare ÃŽnvelitoare – scoicÄ.
Translated from Romanian into English by Adriana CrÄciun