D. R. A.
La voz se ha quedado sin su glotis,
se alejan los decibeles del amor.
Ha empalidecido el rojo;
el gris muestra la debilidad del rosado.
El verbo de la princesa se ha donado al amigo.
Las brasas de sus dedos hieren con sus cenizas.
Un iceberg es su perfil; para otros, antorcha.
Empero con lÃĄgrimas endulzarÊ la frialdad.
Su aroma de guaria acariciarÃĄ la eternidad,
remozarÃĄ los alveolos y ha de llenar sus sacos.
La caminata se disfrazarÃĄ de donaire
y solo han de mirar unos ojos de muerto-vivo.
HabrÃĄ fenecido el dÃa,
ÂŋQuÊ exhibirÃĄ la noche en lontananza?
CaminarÊ su recuerdo hasta alcanzarla
y estarÊ listo para subir al tren.
AUTHOR: Carlos Alberto HuamÃĄn Arellano
Piura, Peru, November 11, 2024
D. R. A.
The voice has lost its glottis,
the decibels of love are moving away.
The red has faded;
the gray shows the weakness of the pink.
The princess’s verb has been donated to the friend.
The embers of her fingers hurt with their ashes.
An iceberg is her profile; for others, a torch.
However, with tears I will sweeten the coldness.
Her aroma of guaria will caress eternity,
it will rejuvenate the alveoli and will fill their bags.
The walk will be disguised as grace
and only the eyes of the living-dead will look.
The day will have ended,
What will the night show in the distance?
I will walk her memory until I reach her
and I will be ready to get on the train.
Thank you very much for publishing my poem, MY SHORT PRESENT.” Therefore, I feel eager to continue publishing in your institution,