1. info@www.kalomerkarukaj.com : PEN CRAFT :
  2. sadikurrahmanrumen55@gmail.com : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
শুক্রবার, ২৪ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ১২:১৯ পূর্বাহ্ন

🌎Global poetry-4🌎

প্রতিবেদকের নাম:
  • প্রকাশিত: শনিবার, ১৬ মার্চ, ২০২৪
  • ৭৭৯ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Cesar Orozco Banderas, Mexico


Every step is a breakthrough in your journey, To which you put the effort and motivation; M your claw in your project, I nspired in your desires to overcome; Don’t fall down, the path is very long, Sometimes cruel and thorns of betrayal, N acisté strong and you are a warrior, You have everything to make your dream real, And another steady walker and very triumphant.

… Cesar Orozco Banderas,


Igor Mihaljevic, Bosnia



My little butterfly

spread your wings

find my way sareni

where love hid…

Say hello to her, fairy

leave me permanent marks

that I can start the journey

to my beloved daughter…

My butterfly is happy

give her the heartbeat

I kiss her with a lot of love

my soul never deceives me…

…Igor Mihaljevic, Bosnia

Georgeta Barbu, Romania

On laptop notes


Let the beautiful soul sing After the melody of life For the heart to have rhythm Like in the young years.


Lets live for a new day Looking up into the skies If life gave us a chance Let’s all sing it together!


On a notebook Getting Started With Key Sol Finding a song range Life… to every Human.


Let’s put our worries aside And the sadness beside it Let’s play as life plays And so we…. let’s sing with her!


And the poets sang it In lyrics and poetry The portable of our lives With trouble and joy!

…. Georgeta Barbu, Romania




Inspiration comes very easily

As if by magic

Cold cold in the room

While listening to the sound of the river

That was sliding down close

A stubborn tear had already dried

I didn’t want to cry or express my pain

Not to reveal the immaturity

And the naivety of his eternal child

When the wind blows

Forgotten memories pop up

Abandoned a long time ago

And now they are resurrected

While sailing to the taste of thought!


Saroja Krishnamurthy, India


Sanctum sanctorum


Self designed fragments of self

Scattered all over

Seen through reflections on the pristine soul

Soothing colours create

Soulful music in the shrine filled with divine fragrance of leaves and flowers

Chants of cosmic sounds

Resonate in the atmosphere

Whole nature in trance 

enters the otherworldly threshold

Inexplicable mirth in the creation.

… Saroja Krishnamurthy, India

Fabiola Silva Lobos, Chile


Summer has arrived.

The swallows at last

They’ve come back!

I watch them all pass.

My little swallow

Where is she at ?

Afraid I feel to

not coming back ever.

Her look said it all

when it ended

summer and its

his wings have unfolded

on the go.

He screamed his sad

I sing, the one who doesn’t

wanted to listen.

I swore that my nest

free and warm to

she would be.

My little swallow girl

Shes my pilgrim bird.

They have all arrived.

And my swallow.

Where is she at ?

Swallow of the Sea.

… Fabiola Silva Lobos, Chile

Seema Sharma,India

This is How I Feel You


And when the breeze blows

The swinging leaves seem like

You wave to me majestically

I blush a little

And greet you back

By hugging the tree’s bough

When it is downpour

The silvery liquid drops

Sprinkle sweet showers

And drench my soul

Feels like it is you

Kissing deep to my core

During spring time

the blooming buds look so charming

The tulips, the lilacs and the begonias seem laughing 

Again your presence is felt

On the velvety leaves your heart like shape is traced

Each Dawn I listen to the chirping

From the nearby tree

That sounds like our own story

Throbbing with love life

I feel myself there 

When the birds’ pair

Whisper a song perching there.

…Seema Sharma,India

Gratitude: – Acknowledgment:

Biswananda Sinha

President Global Writer Academy And International Editor In Chif The Daily Global Nation.

Edite And Published By.
Md. Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
Editor In Chief-PEN CRAFT.
And. Global literature Editor In The Daily Global Nation Dhaka Bangladesh.

সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

One thought on "🌎Global poetry-4🌎"

  1. Saroja Krishnamurthy says:

    It’s really a great honour to be published in the Daily Global Nation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    I am very much grateful to Md. Sadiqur Rahman Rumen, Editor in Chief, Pen Craft for this sweet gesture

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