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  2. sadikurrahmanrumen55@gmail.com : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
সোমবার, ০২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪, ১১:০২ অপরাহ্ন

🍀Poem And Biography of Romanian poet-Dora Teodora Diaconescu Voichita🍀

Md.Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
  • প্রকাশিত: বৃহস্পতিবার, ২১ মার্চ, ২০২৪
  • ৭৮০ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Dora Teodora Diaconescu Voichița

Romanian Version


Trupul ei, simfonie


E gol trupul ei…

în roșul Soarelui, 

arșița lui i-a făcut aripi,

umbrele zborului sunt singure, 

ies din haina lor: o strânge-n linii!


cercuri, cercuri…

se împreună cu energia culori

fac șotron în trup și-o adorm în Zei, 

numai Curcubeul… strigă:


    sunt Eu,

harpa din apele calde!


începe , dansul…

muzica, percuție în aer… 

măsoară secundele în sunete,

vibrația ei înalță, ecoul goulului

într-o armonie a fiorului!


e plin trupul acum de sunete… 

s-au dezbrăcat în oglinzi simfonice

vorbele timpului 

ce-o joacă în actori ai vieții , 

într-o brazdă vie,

iarbă, fluturii și astrele!

 Englesh version

…… Her body, symphony…..


her body is naked…

 in the red of the Sun,

 his heat made him wings,

 flying shadows are alone,

 they come out of their coat: tighten it in lines!


circles, circles…

together with the colors energy

I shake my body and put her to sleep in the Gods,

only the Rainbow… shouts:

-untie me,

    I am,

warm water harp!


let the dance begin…

the music, percussion in the air…

 measure seconds in sounds,

 her vibration rises, the echo of the void

in a harmony of thrill!


the body is now full of sounds…

 they undressed in symphonic mirrors

the words of time

what plays in actors of life,

in a living furrow,

grass, butterflies and stars!

©️ Author. Dora Teodora Diaconescu Voichița

Short Biography 

Dora Teodora Diaconescu Voichița

Poet of Romanian origin with many national publications, books published in Romania and melodious musical projects such as her wonderful lyrics.

BORN on January 9, 1962, in Târgu Neamţ, graduating from the local high school. He continues his studies at the Energetic High School in Laşi,

In the same period, he also graduated from the Popular Art School, Canto section, under the guidance of teacher Silvia Tomovici, then continuing in Bucharest, at the Music School, under the guidance of teacher Cecilia Mizrahi.

With the passage of time, the path of the art of writing follows.

Literary activity

– In 2021, he publishes the first volume, CLEPSIDRA POETICĂ, at the Karta.ro Publishing House in Oneşti.

– Lyrics, Thoughts, Colors – collaborating with painter loana Tripa, for illustrations.


 – and the new volume “Beyond the Soul”, Contraste Culturale Publishing House, Giurgiu 2022.


Camelia Vlăsceanu

(Romanian Poet Writer)




সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

One thought on "🍀Poem And Biography of Romanian poet-Dora Teodora Diaconescu Voichita🍀"

  1. Camelia Vlăsceanu says:

    Felicitări alese si mulțumiri întregului Stat Bangladesh pentru ospitalitate, promovare si prietenie!🇷🇴❤️🇧🇩

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