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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৩ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৮:৫১ অপরাহ্ন

Age-bound Age✍️Namita Sarker

Md. Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
  • প্রকাশিত: সোমবার, ৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪
  • ২২৫ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Namita Sarker

Age-bound Age

~~~ Namita Sarker 


Hey ! age, you, don’t pardon anybody any way.,

You become timeless to make us time-bound, 

Become desperate to disappoint us devilish way.


Being overused, you bocome useless,

Being overambitious, you become hopeless,

You become ruthless to make us rootless,


Irritating white lines between the hairs,  

Huge black shades under the gray eyes, 

Ugly wrinkles on the indifferent face,

Dirty loose skin on the old bones,

Blurry but beautiful sweet memories, 

With ingratitude of friends and kiths, 

Dishearten but enlighten us other way,


Cruel age,you never pardon any way,

We know, you have no other way.

We become aged, decay and die,

Which, on earth, no one can deny,

As, you, yourself are age-bound ,too,

In the womb of universe you loose yourself leaving all taboo.


Childhood, adolescence, youth all are flashy.

Middle age begins to remind us of your cruelty. 

Unkind you bring forth the darkness of despair, 

Puzzled we ignore all the beautiful fairs lying here and there.

Again, somehow, we overcome all these evil vigilance, 

And begin to see the light of hope with your enriched experience. 


But you never forget to crawl upon anyone silently, 

However, we know, you have no other way actually!

Cruel aged you never forgive us mercifully!

Brief biography

Namita Sarker has been composing poems for almost seven years though she has a fascination for writing from her academic life. She composes poems both in Bangla and English. Many of her poems have got recognition in different literary groups. Some of her poems have been published in books, magazines and online portals. She has also her solo publication of a poetry book named “Shorire Tahar Atel Matir Ghran Chilo”. She studied English Literature in the University of Dhaka. She is now teaching as an Assistant Professor in a college in Dhaka . She is from Gazipur district. Reading, writing, travelling, photography and reciting poems are her pastimes.

E-mail address – nsarker101270@gmail.com

Sincerely Thanks

Tasneem Hossain

Director, Continuing Education Centre (CEC)

Multilingual poet, columnist, op-ed and fiction writer, translator, educator

and training consultant.


Edited and Published by: Md Sadiqur Rahman Rumen, Editor In chief Pencraft Literary Magazine Bangladesh.


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