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বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ১২:৩৮ অপরাহ্ন

☘️Iranian poet and painter Elham Hamedi’s painting poem is also a short biography☘️

Md. Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
  • প্রকাশিত: শুক্রবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০২৪
  • ২০৭ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Elham Hamedi


*Elham Hamedi* (Shiraz, Iran, 1967)

Multimedia artist, painter, writer, poet. She is a permanent member of the Scientific Association of Visual Arts of Iran. She is the author of the book of poems entitled “UN COLPO ALLA TESTA ERA UNO ZAQBOOR”, published by Terra d’ulivi Edizioni-Italia, translated by Fernanda Ferraresso, Italian poet. Her poems and works are present in numerous international anthologies, specialized magazines and art exhibitions. With a Master in Artistic Research and a degree in Radiology, she combines the study of the body at a medical level with artistic materials in a psychoanalytic relationship. Her collection of paintings entitled “Fragment” has been well received by critics and international magazines. Her poems are expressed in parallel with the same artistic concepts.  She was recently named one of the “50 Unforgettable Women of Asia” and “Pillar of Asian Culture” in the major project “Stockholm 2025” in five volumes on 5 continents (2024).  She has received numerous international literary awards. Some of Hamedi’s awards:


-International Literary Award entitled “Women for Culture and Peace” (MESTRE/VENICE/Italy 2022


-International Literary Art Award “Il Canto di Dafne” 2022 in Italy for her poem: “CESSATE IL FUOCO”


-International Poetry Award “Città di Varallo” September 24, 2023, for Hamedi’s book “UN COLPO ALLA TESTA ERA UNO ZAQBOOR”,


-International Literary Art Award “Il Canto di Dafne” “Le Nove Muse”.,NAPLES, 2023, Italy, for her poem “Paradiso nascosto” 

-International Literary Art Award “Il Canto di Dafne” “Le Nove Muse”,Pisa2023, ,For the poem “Sogno Ottagonale


-International Literary Art Award  CYGNUS AUREUS, 2024, for the poem ”Pausa romantica” 

– International Literary Art Award, La Via Del Libri, City of Pontremoli, 2024 1st ex aequo for the poem “Trucco  insanguinato”


– National Award City of Spoltore Writing of Love, First Edition Spoltore, 2024

Special President’s Award to Elham Hamedi For the poem “Pentagramma D’amore”


– Poetic-literary Award ‘Luigi Maria Lombardi Satriani’ 2024, Elham Hamedi, “The poet of the four seasons”, the Social Award for Poetry “CULTURAL INTERSECTIONS , “INTERSEZIONI CULTURALI , DIALOGHI DI PACE”.


 -International Excellence Award “Citta’ Del Galateo-Antonio De Ferrariis” XI Edition 2024 MILAN,International Cultural Association,for the poem ” Il poeta delle quattro stagioni”


Three published poems from Hamedi ‘s book, 

“UN COLPO ALLA TESTA ERA UNO ZAQBOOR”, published by Terra d’ulivi Edizioni-Italia:

Painting by Elham Hamedi

Poems by Elham Hamedi

“The howl of pearl”


Words are moldly in the mouth

the window can not provide breathing of four walls and my imagination has a suspicious journey through the seams of the wall

it travels through the dry lips of the lake

where the moon was swallowed

and every part of my body fit in a suitcase

across the borders

my body will be connected to the body of a fish

a pearl in my mouth will make a painful howl

and the moon will be born again in my mouth

the journey continues

with a new interpretation


“The taste of milk”


The green passage of a tree

in my dreams

causes a human being to be born in me.

A tree walks in me.

The glorious text walks in me

and every human being grafts a thousand sprouts n my heart. My eyes:

green almonds on the branches

and the wet pulse of the rain in my veins has something to say. A volume of fresh air rinses my mouth

and the taste of milk is replaced

In my childhood imagination, still,

a balloon explosion didn’t happen


“The trees walk”


The trees walk at night

and release shadows and lights into my heart

without the sound of a broomstick breaking in the shadows without the sound of cough of leaves

it makes the space sick

The trees walk at night

And humans are mysteriously planted in footsteps of trees. Their heads bud in the dark.

Without a red light stop them.

Without the pedestrian lines putting human’s legs in the cage The night walks recklessly inside me

along a yellow line.

Edited and Published by Md Sadiqur Rahman Rumen Editor in chief pencraft literary Magazine Bangladesh.

Multimedia artist, painter, writer, poet:

Elham Hamedi (Iran)

সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

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