A Cuckoo
Wind blew from North,South East, West,
Dusk enveloped the entire forest,
I was lost in whispers by the fountain,
There,I saw a cuckoo on top of mountain,
Aha! I tried to touch him cooly cooly,
But ,he flew away slowly slowly.
 Eyes were round and body was inky black,
He did not look woeful,worry and slack.
Always remained himself neat and clean,
Drank fresh waterØ Ate fruit and bean.
Mind was full of lovely imagination,
He was his example in new Creation.
Flew slow and fast on his strong wings,
Very skillfully and beautifully he sings.
There was Such a melodiness in his sound,
The listeners were stunned all around.
Supported the oppressed and hated oppression,
In case of unintentional mistake,make a concession.
Did not suffer in any misconceptionÂ
Against dishonesty,disorder and corruption.
Built his nest on tree near the stream,
Used to see peaceful and sweet dream.
He lived his life with purity and piety,
Savior of peace and tranquility in society.
A Dove
I see a beautiful sound dove,
He is symbol of peace and love.
Its colour is light white and brownØ
Flying here and there, up and down.
He keeps his life,so simple Ø
For others,sets an example.
Praises to Allah day and nights,
For the right of helpless,he fights.
Hates greed,pride and arrogance,
Embraces humility and tolerance.
Has a soft heart and looks meek,
Loves victims, orphans and weak.
No contradiction in his words and action,
 Doesn’t suffer from any misconception.
Makes the world peaceful from conflict and war,
Takes special care of the oppressed near and far.
Dr.Muhammad Ishaq AbbasiÂ