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  2. sadikurrahmanrumen55@gmail.com : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen : Sadiqur Rahman Rumen
শনিবার, ২৫ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৬:১৫ পূর্বাহ্ন

🌺Two poems by the poet, Hasan Ildız🌺

Md.Sadiqur rahman Rumen
  • প্রকাশিত: শুক্রবার, ২৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৪
  • ১৫৯ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Hasan Ildız



Development is bad news with the sun They put snow on my feet while I was going to the city They changed my identity. suburbs They are in doubt As I knock on the door The kids didn’t go to school this morning The girls wore hijab for me. This is not me They created me later Believe me, they changed my gene. They put guns in my hands I was young, they excited my blood I swear god and devil They brought me together on my face. They said speak, I spoke I hit my fist right on the table So Moses’ children came They trimmed my beard a little bit They made my face beautiful again Then I sit on my chest board They drank a tired coffee They have already crossed the Golan Development, bad news.



Read the waters first Start asking questions from there. Play with fire but stop/don’t stop Write on stone, if you have something to write… Come and leave your face/heart to the sun let it rain See it inside How many more seeds will crack? Take care of houses, Smile at that little light capitalize your name Look from the distant hills There are children looking at you Just like your childhood These lights were far away, remember. Smell the air, mountain or city? Think of those coins Tear bottles… At least talk, read poetry, sing folk songs Play the fire again tame animals Don’t just stand there and wait Read the waters…

Hasan Ildız

সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

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