E primÄvarÄ iar, cu ramuri ÃŽnflorite
Cu tril de pÄsÄrele, ce cÃĸntÄ ziua toatÄ
Miresme de la flori , cu dragoste ÃŽmpletite
Adie ÃŽn eter Či-n suflet stau grÄmadÄ
Pe buze mi se aČazÄ, nectarul de salcÃĸm
Ãn pÄr, albe petale, ce vÃĸntul le adunÄ
Si-n adierea sa, pe jos , pe caldarÃĸm
Polenul alb â gÄlbui,, din mers ÃŽl mÄturÄ
E liliacuâ-n floare, zambila rÄsucitÄ
Si dalbii ghiocei , zÃĸmbesc frumos la soare
Salvia, frezia, laleaua ÃŽnÄlbitÄ
Toate ÃŽn privire- s, ÃŽncÃĸntare
Din oriČicare colČ, privind ÃŽn depÄrtare
Pierdut ÃŽn gÃĸnduri eČti, pe-ale iubirii valuri
Natura se ÃŽnfoaie, prin pete de culoare
Sub razele de soare, cÃĸntÄ ÃŽn susur, rÃĸuri
Renaissance  Â
It’s spring again, with blooming branches
With the trill of the birds, which sing all day long
Scents from flowers, intertwined with loveÂ
Goodbye in the ether and in the soul there are manyÂ
Acacia nectar sits on my lipsÂ
In the hair, white petals, which the wind gathers
And in its breeze, on the ground, on the cobblestonesÂ
The white-yellowish pollen sweeps it as it goesÂ
It’s the lily in flower, the twisted hyacinthÂ
And the snowdrops, they smile beautifully in the sun
Sage, freesia, bleached tulipÂ
All in the look- s, delight
From any corner, looking into the distanceÂ
You are lost in thoughts, on the waves of love
Nature unfolds, through patches of color
Under the sun’s rays, sing above, rivers.
Ca fulgerul se scurge
Ãn goana lui nebunÄ
Prin viaČa care trece
Či nu se uitÄ-n urmÄ
El mÃĸnÄ ÃŽnainte
Indiferent de stare
Či nu ÃŽl putem prinde
Doar nouÄ ni se pare
CÄ s-a oprit ÃŽn loc
CÃĸnd sentimente dure
Prinse ÃŽn nenoroc
Ne ÃŽncearcÄ ne chinuie
Sau zboarÄ ca nebunul
CÃĸnd suntem fericiČi
Ãl ducem ÃŽn spinare
Doar cÃĸt suntem sortiČi.
As the lightning drains
In his mad dashÂ
Through the passing life
And don’t look back
He reached forwardÂ
Regardless of conditionÂ
And we can’t catch him
It only seems to us
That he stopped dead in his tracks
When hard feelings
Caught in trouble
He tries to torment us
Or fly like crazy
When we are happyÂ
We carry him on our backs
Only as long as we are fated.
AČi observat cÃĸt de frumos e afarÄ?
SteluČe cad din cer, ce se topesc pe faČÄ
Sunt fulgi de nea ce sufletul ÃŽnalČÄ
Sunt flori de gheaČÄ ce ne ÃŽnconjoarÄ
PlouÄ cu fericire peste noi
Ca ÃŽn vremea cÃĸnd eram copii
Prin nea ne tÄvÄlim zglobii
Privind prin suflete-napoi
AČi observat cÃĸt de frumos e afarÄ
Din suflet ies scÃĸnteie de iubire
Cu fulgi de nea se ÃŽnvÃĸrt ÃŽntru unire
PriviČi printre perdeaua diafanÄ
AČi observat cÃĸt de frumos e afarÄ?
Have you noticed how beautiful it is outside?
Stars fall from the sky, melting on the faceÂ
They are snowflakes that lift the soul
There are ice flowers that surround usÂ
It rains happiness upon us
Like when we were kids
Through it we roll our wrists
Looking through souls-back
Have you noticed how beautiful it is outside?Â
Sparks of love come from the soul
With snowflakes they swirl in unionÂ
Look through the diaphanous curtain
Have you noticed how beautiful it is outside?